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7 Reasons to Dye Your Locs!

Hey people,

I've been talking about dyeing my hair for the past couple of weeks, so maybe I'll just suck up my anxiety and get it done; not today though but hopefully before my next post. Anyway for now, I'm back with one of my sevens.

This seven has been the hardest list I've had to come up with, this insinuates that it may not be a good idea to dye your hair at all, but wait up there are some compelling reasons to do it anyway.

1. Cover up Lint.
Yep, before I realised that lint was a problem it already was a big problem for my locs. Lint is the tiny wooly strands of fabric that come off cloth, especially beddings, towels, wool.. e.t.c. If you don't protect your loc strands well enough they'll pick up lint; and when lint gets in it never gets out. It makes your hair seem unkempt and if you attempt picking them out you may weaken and or lose some hair strands.

Colouring your locs helps lint blend in ;). You wouldn't need to worry that you have goo sticking out from your updo.

2. It's cool and Funkie.
Need I say more? Colour is always funkie. Putting some colour on your locs helps put some funk in and of course some attitude.

3. To change your look
I've watched too many movies where the lady runs into a bathroom, gets some dye work, puts on a pair of glasses and BOOM!!! a new person is created, the police will never find you. So if you have some identity crisis, bored of the way you look or just looking to let that other personality out of the cage then go dye your locs.

4. It helps you pay attention to your hair
If you are well informed before your dye work then it's no news that dye BREAKS hair, nonetheless every girl deserves some cool, funk, change...and would definitely settle to dye at some point. If you have an ounce of love for your loc's you wouldn't help but feel the dry coarse nature of dyed hair and run to some moisture treatment.

5. To hide the greys or a previous colour
Black hair usually equates to a younger look for older persons who are turning grey. If your hair is trying to tell your age sooner than you are willing there's nothing wrong with some dye.

Also, imagine you dyed your hair turquoise blue or murky green and it didn't turn out quite as expected, there's nothing wrong with some more dye work.

6. It's an adventure.
There's a big risk with dying your hair, it may turn out great or you may turn out looking like an unfortunate cartoon character. That moment when you are expectant to see how your dye work turns out is worth the adventure.

7. Just because
This is the last of seven but trust me it's the most valid reason. In the end, I'm going to get a dye work soon and it's really a "just because" more than anything else. Even though, it'll definitely cover up lint in my hair, add some character and as a matter of fact I have started to look after my hair a bit more than before in preparation for my colour adventure.

So are you compelled to try some dye work?

Your Loc Head,


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