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Showing posts from March, 2017

My Loc Care Regime!

Hello You, I am motivated to write today as I had a blast dancing salsa last Friday night and was complimented to be the best female dancer on the dance floor. It's one of two things though, either every other female was a beginner or it was just fluke. I think it was fluke. The compliment excited me too much and one of the ways of channeling my excitement is to do this blog post. :D. Enough about me. Trust you are doing good and being the best at something out there. So to the koko of the day. My Loc Care Regime is not surprisingly simple and straight to the point. Shampoo: I use a sulphate based mix made by my mum to shampoo my hair 1 – 2 times a month. Unfortunately, mummy’s shampoo is not available for sale yet as we are continually working on perfecting her recipe. A lot of naturalista’s frown at sulphate based products but in the last 2 years I have come to realise that those are the only shampoos that can properly cleanse locs. As a result of what locs are and...

Locitude YouTube Channel!!!

Hey People, I'm bumping my head to 50cents " Go shortie, it's your birthday " even though it's clearly not my birthday... Oh well, I am excited that one of my dreams for 2017 has come true and I pray for discipline to ensure we continue through this year and many more years after. On this note welcome to the Locitude YouTube Channel  where everything we do is all about locs with the most positive attitude there is. We are currently 3 videos in and the feedback has been amazing. If you haven't been to our channel, stop carrying last and head on there right away. In the process don't forget to subscribe, like and comment. Before I let you go, let me give some reasons why you will find our channel interesting, worth your while and your data. 1. Short and Sweet Our videos are always between 5 - 7 minutes long. Straight to the point. No stories. You get exactly what you came for. We respect your time and data. 2. Discussional  We never claim to kn...

The Power of Perception.

What do you see? A young lady walked into the  Locitude Studio  last Saturday and asked if she could get a pedicure. I politely told her No, as we do not offer that service. She had a full head of natural hair on her head so I proceeded to ask her when she would like to loc (turn her hair into dreadlocks) her hair. The expression on her face was of disgust, her entire body headed towards the door, literally running away from my words. Just before she reached the door I mentioned to her that my hair is all mine and loc'd (dreadlocked). Her eyes lit up, and she started to realise that everyone else in the studio had loc'd hair. She was amused by the length, thickness and beauty of our hair then she started asking questions. Cynthia spent about two hours with us learning about locs and considering them for herself. She hadn't even realised how much time had passed and that a pedicure was all she was looking to get, before she met us at Locitude. Before Cynthia left, she...