Hello You, I am motivated to write today as I had a blast dancing salsa last Friday night and was complimented to be the best female dancer on the dance floor. It's one of two things though, either every other female was a beginner or it was just fluke. I think it was fluke. The compliment excited me too much and one of the ways of channeling my excitement is to do this blog post. :D. Enough about me. Trust you are doing good and being the best at something out there. So to the koko of the day. My Loc Care Regime is not surprisingly simple and straight to the point. Shampoo: I use a sulphate based mix made by my mum to shampoo my hair 1 – 2 times a month. Unfortunately, mummy’s shampoo is not available for sale yet as we are continually working on perfecting her recipe. A lot of naturalista’s frown at sulphate based products but in the last 2 years I have come to realise that those are the only shampoos that can properly cleanse locs. As a result of what locs are and...
Locs with an Attitude!!!